CarMan national CKS memorial hall 中正紀念堂緣起沿革 Brief History  先總統 蔣公於中華民國六十四年(1975年)四月五日崩逝,舉國哀痛。六月,行政院接受各界建議與治喪大員會議之決議,決定在臺北市興建中正紀念堂,以表示全國同胞永懷 領袖之赤忱;並即核定設立中正紀念堂籌建小組,聘請俞國華、林金生、蔣彥士、高魁元、趙聚鈺、費驊、賴明湯、謝東閔、蔡鴻文、周宏濤、 秦孝儀、張豐緒、林挺生、辜振甫、徐有庠、王永慶等十六人為委員,積極推行建堂事宜。嗣於六十五年十月成立中正紀念堂籌建指導委員會,敦請張群、何應欽、陳立夫、倪文亞、王雲五、于 斌、錢思亮、 黃少谷、谷正綱、黃杰、林伯壽、吳經熊、連震東、陳啟天、徐慶鐘烤肉食材、張寶樹、謝東閔、孫亞夫、劉闊才 、戴炎輝、劉季洪、周百練、蔡鴻文、林挺生、林洋港等二十五位先生為指導委員,指導建堂工作,俾臻完善。 On April, 1975, the entire nation mourned the passing of President Chiang Kai-shek. In June, in response to suggestions from all sectors, the funeral committee members decided to build the CKS Memorial Hall in Taipei, in order to commemorate the memory of our great leader. No sooner had this decision been made, than the CKS Memorial Hall Preparatory Committee was officially established. Messrs. Yu Kuo-hua, Lin Jin-sheng, Chiang Yen-shih, Kuo Kuei-yuan, Chao 信用卡代償Chu-yu, Fei Hua, Lai Ming-tang, Hsieh Tung-min, Tsai Hung-wen, Chou Hung-tao, Chin Hsiao-yi, Chang Feng-hsu, Lin Ting-sheng, Ku Cheng-fu, Hsu You-hsiang, and Wang Yung-ching, were invited to serve as committee members, to ensure the construction of the Hall. Later, in October 1976, a CKS Memorial Hall Building, Preparatory Directing Committee was established. Messrs. Chang Chun, Ho Ying-ching, Chen Li-fu, Ni Wen-ya, Wang Yun-wu, Yu Bin, Chien Ssu-liang, Huang Shao-ku, Ku Cheng-kang, Huang Chie, Lin Bo-shou, Wu Ching-hsiung, Lien Chen-tung, Chen Chi-tien, Hsu Ching-chung, Chang Bao-shu, 土地買賣Hsieh Tung-min, Sun Ya-fu, Liu Kuo-tsai, Dai Yen-huei, Liu Ji-hung, Chou Bai-lien, Tsai Hung-wen, Lin Ting-sheng, and Lin Yang-kang, were invited to serve as committee directors to oversee construction of the Hall. 六十四年七月二日,籌建小組舉行第一次委員會議,經廣泛而慎重之考慮,擇定臺北市杭州南路以西、 中山南路以東、愛國東路以北、信義路以南之間地段為建堂基地;並將區內林森南路轉入地下,進行整體規劃。八月,小組公開徵求海內外建築師提供建築設計構想,前後收到四十三件。經聘請專家初審,選取五件,由建築師提出進一步之設計藍圖與實體模型,再經國內外專家複審,並邀請有關方面審閱模型, 提供意見後,小額信貸決定採用楊卓成建築師之設計;復經詳細規劃研討,乃告定案。爰於六十五年十月三十一日 蔣公九秩誕辰紀念日舉行破土典禮並動工興建,由國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會榮民工程事業管理處承建。至民國六十九年(1980年)四月五日正式對外開放。 After careful consideration, on July 2, 1975, the Preparatory Committee chose a site west of HangJhou South Road, east of JhongShan South Road., north of AiGuo E. Road., and south of SinYi Road as the ideal location for the construction of the Hall. In addition, the Committee decided to build an underground passageway for LinSen S. Road to facilitate the overall 賣房子construction plan. In August, the Committee requested architects from both at home and abroad to submit architectural designs. After a preliminary screening of the 43 submitted projects, a panel of experts short listed 5 drafts for final consideration. Upon request, these architects presented detailed blueprints and models to be adjudged by experts both at home and abroad. After examining models and consulting experts from various fields, the Committee chose the design submitted by Mr. Yang Cho-cheng. Construction details were then finalized after careful discussion. On October 31, 1976, 酒店經紀the 90th birthday of the late President Chiang, a ground-breaking ceremony was held, marking official commencement of the construction, with the RSEA Engineering Corporation, and Veteran's Affairs Commission contractors. The Hall was officially opened to the public on April 5.1980[OPENING HOURS] 9:00 AM TO 6:30 PM [ADDRESS] 21, ZHONGSHAN SOUTH ROAD, TAIPEI (100) [PHONE] (02)2343-1100~3 [WEBSITE] (02)2393-2704 紀念堂主體  主體面積約一萬五千平方公尺,座落基地東邊,背臨杭州南路,坐東向西,遙望中國大陸。三層臺階高十四.五公尺,主體牆高二十四公尺, 斗拱至寶頂尖高三十一.五公尺,合共七十公售屋網尺。大門高十六公尺,重七十五噸,為青銅鑄建。正堂分上下兩層,上層平面為四十公尺見方,四角各突出七.五公尺,後方居中恭立 蔣公座姿銅像, 以供瞻仰。蔣公銅像高六.三公尺,厚至六至十二毫米,全重約二十一.二五公噸;由陳一帆先生承鑄。臺座高三.五公尺,上刻 蔣公遺囑, 全高九.八公尺。下層大廳設有文物展視室、中央通廊、演講廳、先總統 蔣公紀念室及各展廳。 蔣公紀念室  民國八十三年(1994年)十月三十一日落成開放。室內一切文物,均係移自總統府原 蔣公辦公室,而室內擺設完全根據原辦公室陳列方式呈現。 本室陳列文物,可以看出 蔣總統生性儉樸,除蔣夫人親繪之國畫外,其餘大部分係由國內外同胞及外賓所贈。。正側牌樓 酒店打工 正牌樓,面臨中山南路,高三十公尺,寬八十公尺,距紀念堂中心線四百七十公尺。由中央拱門望看紀念堂,氣勢雄偉。側牌樓兩座,分別為「大忠門」及「大孝門」位於紀念堂南北兩側,各高十三.八公尺,寬十九.七公尺。在愛國東路者,為大孝門;在信義路者,為大忠門。迴廊與角亭  迴廊沿信義路、杭州南路、愛國東路三面人行道建築,高五.五公尺,全長一千二百公尺〈自音樂廳旁角亭至戲劇院旁角亭之單面牆長度為七百四十八公尺,全長為一千九百四十八公尺〉。外側臨人行道之牆面上,每隔四.五公尺分嵌中式燈籠窗一個,共有十八種不同之花格與形狀,共二百四十六個,〈含單面牆所嵌燈籠窗則形式為二十六種,總數共三百九十個〉頗具特色;內側房屋貸款臨公園部分則為圓柱支拄而無牆。角亭有四座〈含兩廳院部分則有六座〉,高十一.一公尺,形式與用料,均與牌樓同。民主大道  從正門至紀念堂臺階,為四十公尺寬、三百八十公尺長之民主大道,兩旁以紅色花草構成中國傳統式如意圖案之毛氈式花壇,另有與民主大道平行之林蔭大道兩條,寬九公尺,舖設金門全體軍民捐獻之花崗石。granite 國家音樂廳  national concert hall 大忠門(在信義路旁)國家戲劇院  national theater 大孝門 在愛國東路旁 捷運五號出口搭乘台北市聯營公車 15、18、20、22、37、204、208、214、236、248、249、251、252、261、263、270、293、297、621、623、630、651、信義線...等線在中正紀念網路行銷堂站及南門市場下車

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